Data Enrichment

Enhance your understanding of employee behavior.

Sometimes what you really need to know about an employee is what’s just beneath the surface.

Gain Insight

Make data-driven decisions based on granular workforce data.
Step 1

Where are our visibility gaps into employee behavior?

Step 2


What kinds of personal red flags could impact our organization’s safety or cyber risk profile?

Step 3


What specific factors do we need to know about employees to protect our company and other employees?

Step 4


How does this information enhance our understanding, and what steps do we need to take?

Step 1

Where are our visibility gaps into employee behavior?

Step 2

What kinds of personal red flags could impact our organization’s safety or cyber risk profile?

Step 3

What specific factors do we need to know about employees to protect our company and other employees?

Step 4

How does this information enhance our understanding, and what steps do we need to take?

Don’t get blindsided by what you could have anticipated.

Teramind Data Enrichment + AI gives you a clear picture of employees’ online behaviors that could put your organization – or even your people – at risk.

Teramind Features Powering
Data Enrichment

External Data Sources

Digital media and advertising companies have amassed online behavior data for nearly everyone who uses the internet. Teramind Data Enrichment incorporates data insights from numerous sources unavailable to most employers.
Move past at-work behavioral data to understand employees.

Internal Data Sources

Data Enrichment provides additional insights gained through Teramind’s proprietary, pseudonymized user data to help you compare a user’s behavior with others who are in similar roles or personas.
Benefit from user insights Teramind has derived from 10 years of deployment history.

Teramind AI Engine

Leveraging Teramind’s powerful AI engine that our researchers have trained on massive user datasets, our solution aggregates, correlates, and derives rapid insights, saving you hours or even weeks of analysis.
Speed up the time it takes to derive insights from user data with a powerful AI engine.

Website & Application Monitoring

With Teramind’s website and application monitoring capabilities, Teramind can correlate any user trends that may connect at-work and online behaviors for deeper insight.
Gain the full picture of a user, including which applications and websites they frequent during work hours.

Optical Character Recognition

If Data Enrichment produces insights on key words or datasets you need to monitor for during the work day, OCR can help you scan, track, and create searchable content from what appears on a user’s screen.
Use OCR to help identify key words or data on-screen during work hours.

Keystroke Logging

Track and log every employee keystroke, creating searchable, indexed content for your security team to analyze and deduce.
Trigger monitoring anytime sensitive datasets are typed into a user’s machine, from code or regulated data to specific keywords.

Teramind Data Enrichment + AI

The Teramind AI engine surfaces insights in rapid time, so you can get the answers you need right away.

How can I know if an employee has violent tendencies that just haven’t surfaced yet?
Using publicly available sources such as social media posts, online forum or group memberships, and more, Teramind’s Data Enrichment solution will rapidly surface warning signs that you may never find, even though they are from open sources.
Using publicly available sources such as social media posts, online forum or group memberships, and more, Teramind’s Data Enrichment solution will rapidly surface warning signs that you may never find, even though they are from open sources.
Using publicly available sources such as social media posts, online forum or group memberships, and more, Teramind’s Data Enrichment solution will rapidly surface warning signs that you may never find, even though they are from open sources.

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