Managed Platform Services
Your Teramind,
Our Experts
Teramind is designed for user-friendly management. Yet, the busiest teams may still struggle for time to manage their users, update reporting, enhance monitoring during staff turnover, and more.

What can Teramind Managed Platform Services do for you?
Free Up Time
You have a lot of tasks. Let us take this one off your plate. We’ll configure and manage your Teramind instance, start to finish.
Increase Security
In a busy environment, new hires and exiting employees can fall through the cracks, creating significant security risks. We’ll handle that, and we’ll even reassign seats when someone leaves.
Gain Expert Insights
Who better to help you get the most out of Teramind than Teramind experts? Our experts will work with you to not only optimize your instance, but help you analyze the data.
Mature Your Program
Once you meet initial goals, our experts can help you take the next step in your user behavior analytics program.
We've got you covered.
When you already have a lot on your plate, you need someone you can trust to execute on your vision, help you achieve your goals, and maximize your investments. We got you.
Professional Services Capabilities
Manage Reports
Design, manage, and distribute reporting
We can help you with:
- Align metrics to goals
- Highlight baselines
- Visualize priority alerts
- Train your OMNI feed
- Create powerful reports
- Measure success over time
- Adjust to meet new needs
Knowing which metrics to use as KPIs can be daunting when you’re new to User Behavior Analytics. Chances are, our experts

Update licenses
Keep Accounts Updated With Staffing Changes
- Add new-hire accounts
- Repurpose existing licenses
- Shift profiles for role changes
- Remove unused licenses
- Align with Azure AD updates
Promotions, new hires, and the occasional staff turnover are inevitable at any organization. We’ll work with you to ensure

Mitigate turnover
Update Settings and Configurations
- Increase monitoring for departures
- Change profiles for promotions
- Shift profiles for team changes
- Update with new policy rollouts
As people are either promoted, shift departments, or put in notice of their departure, it’s important to realign monitoring
profiles. For example, a departing employee has an increased risk of insider activities will need heightened security monitoring during that time. Also, if someone takes a role in marketing after having been a developer, you will likely want to adjust social media use monitoring, since it may be part of their new job.

Manage Settings
Update Settings and Configurations
- Add new business units
- Solve new business problems
- Collaborate to meet new goals
- Update security settings
- Document systems & processes
- Track security risks
- Help you identify gaps
- Enforce user policy changes
- Design internal data studies
- Align to compliance requirements
As your organization matures, you’ll want to make sure your Teramind instance evolves too. For example, some business

Monitor Contractors
Manage 3rd Party Contractors
- Track log-in and log-off times
- Measure productivity for hourly contractors
- Validate geolocations for workers
- Ensure you know who’s doing the work
- Protect corporate data in motion
- Mitigate the risk of insider compromise
Outsourcing short-term, or even major functions, has become a way of life for most organizations. However, it comes with risk.

Request Your
Custom Demo Now
An expert will walk you trough features
aligned to your use case.

What our Customers Say

“Convenient and comprehensive cloud based PC monitoring software. It’s easy to install, access and monitor client PCs. This is a mature and feature-rich solution for on-premise and remote user monitoring.”
Larissa H.
IT Support Specialist

“The best way and tools to supervise and control employees’ access to data, and their actions, ability to monitor and supervise employee activity with minimal manpower resources. These tools allow me to detect waste of time by employees and wasting company resources.”
Yakir D.

“Easy Implementation, Great UI, and amazing product. We leverage Teramind to manage high-risk situations to get in-depth visibility and alerting. It has far surpassed our expectations and has saved us significant data loss.”
IT Security & Risk Manager
$7B Manufacturing Enterprise