Services from Teramind

We’ll help you leverage
User Behavior Analytics
to the fullest.

Get the help you need to manage your platform, what to focus on,
how to interpret behavioral data, and more.

When you have custom needs, sometimes you need customized support. We’ve got you.

Check out our service offerings and see where expert support can help you most.

We understand that sometimes organizations need to take a few extra steps in order to leverage the full power of Teramind.

Teramind Services

Teramind Professional Services

Custom development and data services from Teramind can help you get the most out of your data.

Managed Platform Services

Harden your security strategy with robust endpoint monitoring that identifies and blocks noncompliant data handling actions.

Advisory Services

Ensure your users are following the security and data handling policies you set. Don’t let one mistake cost the whole organization.

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An expert will walk you trough features 
aligned to your use case.

What our Customers Say