Data Loss Prevention

Data Loss Prevention and Threat Protection

Strengthen data loss prevention with a robust endpoint monitoring system that identifies and blocks malicious user activity.

Data Loss Prevention

Solve for the human element in ways traditional DLP can’t.
Step 1

What are all the actions employees take with sensitive corporate data?

Step 2


Which specific, risky behaviors do we need to change internally?

Step 3


Which red flags indicate the need for immediate support?

Step 4


How can we automate backstops for a worst case scenario?

Step 1
What is baseline “normal” for user behavior?
Step 2
Where can we proactively build a culture of prevention?
Step 3
Which red flags indicate the need for immediate support?
Step 4
How can we automate backstops for a worst case scenario?

In January 2024, 26 Billion records were exposed, including 3800 folders and 12 terabytes of leaked user data .

88% of all data breaches are caused by human error.

Data dumps on DarkNet have increased by 85% in recent years.

Teramind Features Powering
Data Loss Prevention

Time-Stamped Screen Recordings

A single data point isn’t enough to get the context you need. Use recordings to see the events leading up to and immediately after any security incident. Screen recordings can also be set to trigger based on acceptable use policies and specific rulesets.
Speed up the time it takes to investigate an incident up to 65% by skipping straight to a time-stamped event and watching the recording.

Smart Rules & Automated Responses

Enforce data security compliance by setting automated playbook responses, such as block or lock-out, for high-risk user actions.
Prevent users from putting your company in harm’s way and gain peace of mind.

Online Meeting

Monitor any meeting, on any digital platform, including participants, duration, chat content, screen recordings, and more.
Don’t let this typical blind spot become the source of a data leak or compliance violation.
Online meeting monitoring function triggered when sensitive information is shared.

Website & Application Monitoring

Don’t let a seemingly innocuous social media interaction become the channel for business data exfiltration. Be alerted to or block the sharing of any sensitive data.
Ensure sensitive data isn’t being shared on social media platforms, either publicly or in DMs.

Remote Desktop

Take over any user’s desktop to stop or take any action.
When automated responses aren’t enough, use remote desktop protocol (RDP) to immediately take control of a user’s computer.
A malicious file download blocked via remote control access.

Optical Character Recognition

Detect unusually long view times of sensitive content on a user’s screen, including screenshots, meeting sharing – and much more – with Teramind’s OCR capability.
Protect sensitive company and client data in ways traditional DLP solutions cannot.

Keystroke Logging

Track and log every employee keystroke, creating searchable, indexed content for your security team to analyze and deduce.
Trigger monitoring anytime sensitive datasets are typed into a user’s machine, from code or regulated data to specific keywords.

OMNI: What will you uncover with OMNI?

OMNI is Teramind’s new rapid interface, an AI-powered alert system that shows you more of what you want to see – and less of what you don’t.
See data-related alerts grouped together in a news feed so you can quickly see trends. Click to see more directly from your dashboard and get ahead of potential threats.
Stop scrolling through alerts to find what’s actionable.

Don’t wait for an incident. Get ahead of it.

The Teramind AI engine tips you off to risky behaviors while there’s still time to intervene.

How can I know if a user starts interacting with data stores or exfil channels inappropriately?

Anytime users change how they interact with data or external channels, it’s time to look closer. With Teramind AI, you’ll learn about behavior shifts early. And Teramind screen recording lets you investigate on the spot, so you can quickly view a playback to know exactly what’s going on.

If a user suddenly starts performing actions outside their job description, like a marketer who runs a PowerShell script unassisted, it might be time to investigate. Teramind AI can detect when someone’s behavior drifts far from their expected activities, for an early heads up that something is amiss.

USBs and printing are still common ways insiders may attempt to exfiltrate sensitive data. Since Teramind builds telemetry from OCR, keystroke logging, and all other user activities on an endpoint, our AI is trained to detect even the craftiest exfiltration methods.

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