Maria Osipova Chief Marketing Officer

Maria Osipova

Chief Marketing Officer

Maria Osipova is the Chief Marketing Officer at Teramind, where she drives marketing strategies that focus on revenue generation and exceptional customer journeys. 

Known for building high-performing teams, Maria creates environments that foster innovation, leverage technology and remove barriers to success.  Her affinity for high-growth environments and creative problem solving make Maria a perfect complement to the Teramind team.


Maria received her BA of Honors Arts from the University of Waterloo with a major in Consumer Behavior Psychology.

Personal Life:

When Maria is not hiking BC mountains, she is practicing Muay Thai . 

Maria Osipova

Chief Marketing Officer
Maria Osipova Chief Marketing Officer

Maria Osipova is the Chief Marketing Officer at Teramind, where she drives marketing strategies that focus on revenue generation and exceptional customer journeys. 

Known for building high-performing teams, Maria creates environments that foster innovation, leverage technology and remove barriers to success.  Her affinity for high-growth environments and creative problem solving make Maria a perfect complement to the Teramind team.


Maria received her BA of Honors Arts from the University of Waterloo with a major in Consumer Behavior Psychology.

Personal Life:

When Maria is not hiking BC mountains, she is practicing Muay Thai . 

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