How To Set Up Your Teramind Platform

Our Implementation Webinar Series is designed specifically to help you get the most out of Teramind.

Join our webinars every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:00 PM EST and learn how to:

Gain Insight Into User Behavior

Make data-driven decisions based on granular workforce data.
Step 1

Where are our visibility gaps into employee behavior?

Step 2


What kinds of personal red flags could impact our organization’s safety or cyber risk profile?

Step 3


What specific factors do we need to know about employees to protect our company and other employees?

Step 4


How does this information enhance our understanding, and what steps do we need to take?

Step 1

Where are our visibility gaps into employee behavior?

Step 2

What kinds of personal red flags could impact our organization’s safety or cyber risk profile?

Step 3

What specific factors do we need to know about employees to protect our company and other employees?

Step 4

How does this information enhance our understanding, and what steps do we need to take?