The 9 Best Productivity Monitoring Software in 2024

Productivity Monitoring Software

Maintaining high levels of employee productivity is essential for success because it directly impacts the overall performance and profitability of a company. High productivity means tasks and projects are completed efficiently, reducing costs and maximizing resources. 

That’s why productivity monitoring solutions are essential. They help you enhance efficiency, streamline operations, and ensure your workforce performs at its best.

However, finding the right solution can be challenging. We’ve handpicked nine productivity monitoring solutions for their advanced capabilities, user-friendly interfaces, and proven effectiveness in boosting productivity across industries to solve this. These tools provide everything you need to optimize workforce performance, from real-time activity tracking to detailed analytics and customizable reports. 

1. Teramind 

Teramind offers a comprehensive employee monitoring solution that helps businesses track productivity, ensure security, and maintain compliance.

The software provides advanced monitoring capabilities, including real-time tracking of employee activities across various endpoints. It captures detailed data on user behavior, such as application and website usage, email and instant messaging interactions, and file transfers, giving organizations deep insights into workforce productivity and potential security risks.

Teramind’s advanced policy and rule engine allows administrators to set customizable policies that trigger alerts or actions based on specific user activities. For example, if an employee tries to access restricted websites or transfer sensitive files outside the company network, Teramind can automatically block the action, alert management, and provide a detailed incident report. This prevents data breaches and ensures compliance with industry regulations like GDPR and HIPAA. 

Additionally, Teramind includes video recording and playback functionality, capturing high-resolution screen activity. This feature is useful for auditing and forensic investigations, allowing administrators to review user actions in detail and providing visual evidence of policy violations or suspicious behavior. Teramind helps businesses optimize employee performance, protect sensitive data, and maintain a secure, compliant work environment with real-time monitoring, automated policy enforcement, and detailed activity logs. 


  • User Activity Monitoring. You can monitor and record user activities in real time with Teramind. This feature allows you to view accessed applications, websites, keystrokes, and file transfers, enhancing your ability to oversee and secure operations.
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP). Secure your sensitive data by setting up Teramind’s DLP rules that detect and block unauthorized transmissions. It actively scans for specific data patterns and enforces security by triggering alerts or blocking actions based on your predefined policies.
  • Behavioral Analytics. Utilize Teramind’s behavioral analytics to detect anomalies in user behavior that may signal insider threats or account compromises. This feature provides risk scores and proactive alerts to help you quickly address potential security issues. 
  • Productivity Analysis. Improve workplace productivity using Teramind’s analytics to assess how employees spend their working hours. You can establish productivity benchmarks, track trends, and identify opportunities for efficiency enhancements.
  • Audit and Forensics. Teramind allows you to conduct thorough audits and forensic investigations by accessing detailed logs and video recordings of user sessions. This functionality is essential for compliance audits and investigating security incidents.
  • Remote Desktop Control. Teramind allows you to control a user’s desktop remotely, which is especially useful for troubleshooting issues, providing remote training, or intervening directly in real time during suspicious activities. 

How Teramind Helps Monitor Productivity

  • In-depth Employee Analytics. Teramind provides detailed insights into your team’s activities by tracking application usage, website visits, and document interactions. This data helps you understand work patterns and identify areas for improvement. 
  • Business Process Optimization. Teramind analyzes workflows to help you identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your processes. It tracks how tasks are completed, providing you with actionable insights to streamline operations. 
  • Active vs. Idle Time Tracking. Teramind distinguishes between active and idle time by monitoring keyboard and mouse activity. This feature helps you accurately measure employee engagement and productivity. By understanding how much time is spent actively working versus being idle, you can address issues like procrastination or burnout.
  • Workforce Productivity Optimization. Teramind enables you to set productivity benchmarks and track how well your team adheres to them. This feature helps ensure employees meet performance standards and allows you to identify top performers and areas where additional training may be needed. 
  • Analyze High Performers. Teramind helps you understand the behaviors and practices of your high-performing employees by analyzing their work patterns, tools, and methods. 


Teramind’s pricing structure varies based on the number of users, business size & type, and the specific features needed:

  • Starter: Starts at $15 per seat per month.
  • UAM: Starts at $30 per seat per month.
  • DLP: Starts at $35 per seat per month.
  • Enterprise: Customized for large organizations that require full functionality, including video recording and forensic auditing.

Each tier is available in cloud-based and on-premise deployment options, and pricing is typically per user per month. 

💡Summary → Teramind offers a combination of surveillance, analytics, and data protection features, making it an important solution for organizations focused on security and compliance. However, its comprehensive monitoring capabilities may raise concerns about privacy among employees. 

2. ActivTrak

ActivTrak helps businesses optimize productivity and ensure compliance by providing detailed insights into employee activities through user behavior analytics. Unlike traditional user activity monitoring tools, ActivTrak focuses on behavioral data analytics, enabling organizations to understand work patterns and identify areas for improvement. The platform collects and analyzes data on application and website usage, active versus idle time, and productivity trends across teams and individuals. Managers can easily identify patterns and make data-driven decisions through intuitive dashboards and reports. 

Businesses using ActivTrak can create and monitor productivity benchmarks. By setting custom productivity goals, they can track performance against these targets and receive alerts when deviations occur. This is especially useful for remote and hybrid work environments where direct supervision is challenging. 

ActivTrak also prioritizes privacy and compliance. It includes features such as user anonymization, data masking, and granular access controls, ensuring the protection of sensitive information and adherence to legal and ethical standards.

Read more: The Top 11 ActivTrak Alternatives


  • Alarms and Alerts. Set up customized alarms and alerts with ActivTrak to monitor for specific behaviors such as risk activities or unproductive behavior. This feature sends you immediate notifications, allowing you to react swiftly to any potential issues.
  • Real-time Activity Dashboard. You can access ActivTrak’s real-time dashboard to monitor current activities across your workforce. This allows you to see which applications and websites are being used and how resources are being allocated in real time.
  • Productivity Insights. Utilize ActivTrak to analyze productivity data and gain insights into employee performance and workflow efficiencies. You can set productivity goals, track progress, and identify areas where improvements can be made. 


  • Inflexible Licensing Policy. ActivTrak’s licensing policy is inflexible, and license reductions are not allowed during downsizing. This forces small businesses to pay for unused licenses until the contract expires [*]. 
  • Declining Support and Aggressive Upselling. Customer service quality drops significantly after the initial sale, becoming unresponsive. New features often come with extra costs without fixing core issues like frequent alarm failures or slow program speeds. Support focuses more on upselling than on solving problems and enforces strict contract terms with no flexibility [*].
  • Dubious Billing Practices. The billing practices are questionable, including charging expired credit cards and making it hard to cancel or change user settings without long notice periods [*]. 


  • Free. $0 per user/month.
  • Essentials. $10 per user/month. 
  • Professional. $19 per user/month. 
  • Enterprise. Request a quote. 

💡Summary → While ActivTrak offers comprehensive analytics and privacy features, it has some drawbacks. The software’s reliance on behavioral data can lead to an overemphasis on certain metrics that do not fully capture the complexities of productivity. Additionally, the initial setup and customization can be time-consuming.  

Related → ActivTrak vs. Teramind – Which is Best in 2024? 

3. Insightful 

Insightful (formerly known as Workpuls) is an employee monitoring and time-tracking software designed to enhance productivity and efficiency within organizations. It offers real-time data collection and analysis capabilities, providing businesses deep insights into employee activities and project progress. The platform tracks application and website usage, captures screenshots at customizable intervals, and provides detailed reports on active and idle time, helping managers understand how time is spent across the organization. also features an automatic time mapping functionality. This feature uses artificial intelligence to categorize and log time spent on different tasks and projects automatically, eliminating the need for manual time entries. This improves accuracy and saves employees valuable time, allowing them to focus on their core tasks. 

Additionally, offers productivity analysis tools, such as activity heatmaps and trend reports, which help managers identify productivity bottlenecks and optimize workflows. 


  • Employee Productivity Analytics. Offers detailed analytics on employee productivity. You can monitor which apps and websites are most used and determine how these tools contribute to or detract from productivity. 
  • Screenshots and Screen Recording. You can take periodic screenshots or record screens during work hours. This is useful for verifying task engagement and maintaining operational compliance. 
  • Automated Time Tracking. This feature automatically tracks the time employees spend on different tasks and projects. It helps calculate work hours accurately and assess productivity without manual input. 


  • Slow Response Time and Account Reactivation Issues. Response time for customer queries is slow, which is problematic for urgent business needs. Additionally, reactivating deactivated accounts takes 7 days, posing a challenge for businesses with high employee turnover [*].
  • Ineffective Productivity Metrics. Productivity calculations are only available on a company-wide scale, not for individual teams or employees. This is problematic for companies with varying productivity metrics across different teams [*].
  • Unfair User Calculation and Poor Integration. The system unfairly charges for built-in accounts without a way to control costs. Integration with Azure is poor, requiring manual user management. Support is unhelpful and only available via chat [*]. 


  • Productivity Management. $6.40 per user/month. 
  • Time Tracking. $8.00 per user/month. 
  • Process Improvement. $12.00 per user/month. 
  • Enterprise Solution. Custom. 

💡Summary → Insightful’s focus on real-time data and behavior analytics makes it a suitable option for companies aiming to understand and improve how work gets done. However, the automatic time mapping feature requires initial fine-tuning to ensure accuracy across various tasks. 

Related → 7 Insightful Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

4. Time Doctor

Time Doctor is a time-tracking and employee monitoring software that helps businesses improve productivity and manage remote teams effectively. The platform offers time-tracking features, including manual and automatic time entries, screenshot capture, and detailed reporting on time spent across various tasks and projects. Its user-friendly interface allows employees to easily log their hours and categorize their activities while managers can access real-time team performance and productivity data.

One of Time Doctor’s top features is its advanced distraction management tools. The software monitors application and website usage, identifying unproductive activities and alerting users when they spend too much time on non-work-related tasks. This feature helps employees stay focused and minimizes time wastage, boosting overall productivity. Additionally, Time Doctor’s detailed reports provide insights into work patterns, highlighting areas where efficiency can be improved and enabling managers to make data-driven decisions. 


  • Work Schedules. Users can set customizable work schedules, defining expected work hours and breaks to help manage and enforce a consistent work routine, facilitating better time management and work-life balance. 
  • Inactivity Alerts. Users can send automatic alerts when it detects no keyboard or mouse activity for a predefined period, ensuring that time tracking is accurate and prompting users to stay focused.
  • Ethical Video Recording. Records video clips of user screens during designated work hours, ensuring productivity while maintaining privacy with user consent. It’s designed to support accountability without compromising trust. 


  • Push to Upgrade Causes Feature Loss. Transitioning to Time Doctor 2 caused significant issues due to missing core features available in the original version [*].
  • Complicated Interface for Beginners. Navigating Time Doctor’s user interface is difficult, especially for beginners. This can be frustrating when trying to understand how the product works and many users have raised concerns about its extensive monitoring capabilities [*].
  • Shared Computer Issues. Logging into a monitored computer results in automatic billing for the entire period, regardless of user permissions. The system also doesn’t offer refunds and charges extra for unauthorized users, leading to significant extra costs [*]. 


  • Basic. $5.9 per user/month. 
  • Standard. $11.7 per user/month. 
  • Premium. $16.7 per user/month. 

💡Summary → Time Doctor combines comprehensive monitoring and powerful analytics, offering valuable insights into employee work patterns and time utilization. However, its extensive feature set can require a learning curve for new users, and the software might be seen as too complex for smaller teams or individual users. 

Related → Time Doctor vs. Teramind

5. DTEX Pulse

DTEX Pulse is an advanced workforce analytics and insider threat detection solution that provides organizations with deep insights into employee behavior while ensuring data security. It focuses on contextual behavioral analytics, capturing and analyzing data across endpoints to identify potential insider threats and productivity patterns. The platform uses lightweight, agent-based technology to monitor user activities in real time, including application usage, file access, and data transfers, giving a comprehensive view of user behavior without intrusive surveillance.

Using machine learning algorithms and behavioral baselines, DTEX Pulse can identify anomalies and risky behaviors that could indicate potential data breaches or policy violations. For example, DTEX Pulse can flag unusual data transfers, excessive file access, or unauthorized application usage, triggering alerts and automated responses to mitigate risks. 


  • Workbench. Aggregates data across systems to provide a unified view of user behavior. It allows administrators to perform deep dives into the data, facilitating rapid response to incidents and management of user activities. 
  • Scorecards. Delivers user risk scoring based on a complex algorithm that considers various aspects of user behavior. This helps in quickly identifying high-risk employees by providing a visual representation of risk levels across the organization. 
  • Forensic Snapshots. When suspicious activity is detected, DTEX Pulse can automatically generate forensic snapshots. These snapshots provide detailed, actionable insights about the incident, including user actions, data accessed, and timestamps, aiding in quick resolution and compliance reporting. 


  • Difficult Uninstallation. Agents are hard to uninstall, and the system’s complexity can cause users to get lost [*]. 
  • Management Complexity. The tool produces a high volume of alerts, requiring a dedicated team to manage and tune them initially. Setting up rules requires knowledge of YARA, with minimal initial guidance, making it challenging to quickly map the tool against the organization [*].
  • Poor Interface. The web interface is not user-friendly and can be overwhelming for beginners [*]. 


  • Contact the company to request pricing information. 

💡Summary → For organizations that need to manage internal security risks while creating a positive and productive work environment, DTEX Pulse is a great fit. However, its focus on collecting metadata rather than content limits the depth of insights in certain scenarios. 

Related → The 7 Best DTEX Competitors & Alternatives in 2024 

6. Hubstaff

Hubstaff is a time-tracking and productivity monitoring software designed to help businesses manage remote teams and optimize workforce efficiency. The platform offers detailed time-tracking capabilities, including manual and automatic time entries, GPS tracking, and activity levels measured through keystrokes and mouse movements.

Its intuitive interface allows employees to easily log their work hours, while managers can access real-time data on team performance, project progress, and billable hours, ensuring accurate payroll and invoicing.

Hubstaff also seamlessly integrates with popular project management tools such as Asana, Trello, and Jira, allowing managers to assign tasks, track project timelines, and monitor progress within a single platform. Additionally, Hubstaff offers automated payroll functionality, which calculates wages based on tracked hours and predefined rates, simplifying the payroll process and reducing administrative overhead. 


  • Geofencing. With this, businesses can set up location-based parameters. When employees enter or leave a designated work area, the system automatically starts or stops tracking time, which is ideal for on-the-go teams like those in construction or field services.
  • Task Management. Enables teams to create, assign, and manage tasks. They can also track progress from start to finish, streamlining project management and enhancing collaboration. 
  • Payroll. This automated payroll system calculates and processes employee payments based on hours worked and set pay rates. It supports integrations with various payment gateways, making it easy to manage payroll seamlessly from within the platform. 


  • Poor Customer Service and Billing Issues. Customer service is poor, and there is no option to prepay or have separate invoicing. The process of activating or deactivating accounts is stressful, and many features are not user-friendly [*].
  • Freezing Issues. Common maintenance times and occasional errors cause Hubstaff to freeze, requiring users to do a full logout and reload [*].
  • Inaccurate Reporting. Hubstaff tags time without keyboard and mouse movement as unproductive, which is problematic during video learning or meetings [*]. 


  • Starter. $4.99 per seat/month. 
  • Grow. $7.50 per seat/month.
  • Team. $10 per seat/month.
  • Enterprise. $25 per seat/month. 

💡Summary → Hubstaff offers a range of features designed to facilitate remote and on-site workforce management. However, its intensive monitoring tools, like GPS and activity level tracking, require careful management to maintain a balance between oversight and employee privacy. 

7. Controlio

Controlio is an employee monitoring and endpoint security solution that provides businesses with comprehensive visibility into user activities and ensures data protection. It offers real-time monitoring capabilities, capturing detailed information on application and website usage, keystrokes, clipboard activities, and file transfers. This extensive data collection allows organizations to gain deep insights into employee behavior, detect potential security threats, and ensure compliance with internal policies and regulatory requirements.

The platform uses advanced algorithms to analyze user behavior and identify anomalies that may indicate malicious activities or policy violations. For instance, Controlio can detect unusual file access patterns, unauthorized data transfers, or excessive use of unapproved applications, triggering real-time alerts to administrators. This proactive approach enables businesses to address security issues promptly and mitigate risks before they escalate into significant breaches. 


  • Email Monitoring. Monitors all sent and received emails to ensure they comply with company policies and to safeguard against data leaks. This monitoring extends to attachments and email content. 
  • Remote Access. Permits administrators to remotely access and control an employee’s computer, facilitating direct support, guidance, or problem resolution. This is particularly useful for troubleshooting and maintaining operational continuity in remote work settings.
  • Optional Stealth Mode. When activated, it operates discreetly, neither displaying any notifications or appearing in the system’s task manager or installed programs list. 


  • Difficult Configuration. Configuring the product from scratch is challenging, requiring technical support assistance for setup [*].
  • Missing Summary Report. The product lacks a summary report that consolidates top-level data from each report category into a single report [*].
  • Issues with Mac Updates. Software updates on Mac machines cause the software to stop working, requiring manual adjustments [*]. 


  • Cloud. $7.99 per user/month.
  • On-premises. Request quote.
  • Private Cloud. Request quote. 

💡Summary → Controlio extends beyond simple tracking to offer deep insights into productivity and behavior patterns. On the flip side, the initial configuration and ongoing management of the system can be complex, requiring dedicated IT resources. 

8. Veriato Cerebral

Veriato Cerebral, previously known as Veriato 360, is an advanced employee monitoring and insider threat detection platform designed to provide businesses with detailed insights into workforce activities and enhance security measures. The platform captures comprehensive data, including application usage, web activity, email interactions, file transfers, and even screen captures, offering an in-depth view of employee activities.

In addition, Veriato Cerebral’s machine learning algorithms can establish behavioral baselines for each user and detect deviations that could suggest malicious intent or policy violations. For instance, the system can identify unusual data access patterns, unauthorized file transfers, or suspicious login activities, and it triggers real-time alerts to prompt immediate investigation. 


  • Screen Recording. Enables real-time video playback of user’s screen actions, exportable in JPG or AVI formats for use as legal evidence in investigations.
  • Predictive Analytics with AI. Enhances security monitoring by continuously analyzing user activities and creating digital fingerprints for individuals and groups. It monitors for anomalies against established behavior baselines and specific organizational triggers, promptly alerting when deviations occur. 
  • Daily Risk Scores. Assigns daily risk scores by tracking user activities and psycholinguistic characteristics. This allows the security team to identify and manage potential threats through a detailed Risk Score dashboard. 


  • Issues with Mac Systems. Veriato has several issues with Mac systems, including unintended user interaction and recording problems, despite being a good product overall [*].
  • Difficult Deployment for MSPs. Deploying Veriato is very manual, especially for MSPs. Adding users to groups manually is difficult, particularly for large companies with multiple devices [*].
  • Disjointed Web Interface and Reporting. The web interface looks good but lacks integration, sending you to pages without selected variables. Reporting is also problematic, as you can’t run one-off reports and must download raw data or wait for scheduled reports [*]. 


  • Cloud.
  • On-premise.
    • User Activity Monitoring (UAM). Request quote. 
    • Insider Risk Management (IRM). Request quote. 

💡Summary → Veriato Cerebral provides a deep, analytical look into employee behavior, making it a valuable tool for companies prioritizing internal security. However, the advanced analytics and anomaly detection features may require significant fine-tuning to avoid false positives and ensure accuracy. 

9. Traqq

Traqq is a time tracking and employee monitoring software designed to enhance productivity and workforce management in businesses. It offers a user-friendly interface that captures detailed data on the time employees spend on various tasks and projects, while maintaining a non-intrusive approach.

The software tracks active and idle time, application and website usage, and includes an optional screenshot capture feature to offer a comprehensive view of employee activities. This allows managers to understand productivity patterns and optimize workflows effectively.

Traqq emphasizes transparency and respects user privacy by allowing employees to pause tracking and delete any screenshots they consider private or inappropriate. This approach fosters trust between employees and management. Additionally, Traqq provides detailed reporting and analytics, which include visual representations of time usage, productivity trends, and project progress, aiding managers in making informed decisions and pinpointing areas for improvement. 


  • Offline Time Tracking. Traqq continues to track time even without an internet connection, ensuring all hours worked are recorded accurately. Once the connection is restored, the data automatically syncs with the server.
  • Team Management Tools. The platform includes tools for managing multiple users, assigning roles, and setting permissions. This functionality helps effectively coordinate and manage teams of any size.
  • Screenshots and Screen Recording. Traqq takes periodic screenshots and videos of employees’ screens during work hours. These visuals are blurred by default to maintain privacy, yet provide managers with a clear view of how work time is utilized


  • Lack of Integrations. Traqq lacks integrations with popular productivity and project management tools, which hampers seamless collaboration and forces users to switch between multiple tools, reducing overall productivity [*].
  • Misinterpreted Activity Levels. User activity detection can misinterpret tasks that don’t involve much mouse or keyboard activity [*]
  • Poor Performance. The app crashes frequently, and customer support is unresponsive, making it frustrating to use for work [*]. 


  • Premium Starter. $0 per seat/month.
  • Premium Teams. $7 per seat/month. 
  • Enterprise. Request quote. 

💡Summary → Traqq provides a user-friendly design and lightweight application to ensure minimal disruption to daily operations while still providing essential data on employee productivity. However, the platform’s simplicity lacks some advanced features required by larger organizations with complex monitoring needs. 

Choose Teramind OMNI for Unmatched Employee Productivity Insights

When it comes to productivity monitoring, having the right tools can make all the difference. For example, we tested thousands of organizations and found that 7% of employees falsify work activity using a variety of hardware and digital tools to look busy.

This is just one of the many insights you can find in OMNI.

With OMNI, you gain comprehensive insights into productivity patterns, operational inefficiencies, and employee behavior trends. The objective is to help you mitigate potential risks before they escalate.

Here’s what you get when you opt for Teramind OMNI:

Case-Based Event Organization

This shows more of what you want to see and less of what you don’t. It organizes similar events together on cards, displaying the user’s screen, the rule violated, and all necessary data to quickly understand what happened. This feature streamlines the process of event review and action. 

Feed-Style Data Presentation

OMNI speeds up the time it takes to understand user activities with a feed-style data presentation. Cards scroll in a trainable news-style feed, showing more relevant information and less noise. This efficient data presentation helps managers quickly identify trends and issues. 

Visualizations for Rapid Data Consumption

With intuitive visualizations like relationship maps or toxicity hot spots, OMNI helps you see issues quickly. These visual tools allow managers to address problems before they escalate, avoiding the need to sort through complex spreadsheets and reports. OMNI visualizes the problems that need immediate attention.

Discover how Teramind can transform your productivity monitoring efforts. 

Schedule a demo today and see the difference for yourself.


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