How To Improve Quality Assurance in a Call Center

Quality assurance (QA) is the core of any successful call center operation. It ensures consistent, high-quality interactions with customers and leads to improved customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and better business outcomes. Optimizing QA processes related to the customer experience can make or break a company.

This guide explores proven strategies to enhance quality assurance in your call center, elevate your customer service, build customer loyalty, and improve customer retention.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The importance of a clear QA strategy and how to develop one
  • Effective methods for monitoring and evaluating agent performance
  • Techniques for leveraging technology to streamline QA processes
  • Strategies for building a culture of continuous improvement
  • How to use data-driven insights to optimize call center operations
  • The role of employee monitoring in enhancing QA efforts

Developing a Robust QA Strategy

Defining Clear Quality Standards

Establishing clear, measurable standards is the first step toward improving your call center quality assurance process. These standards should encompass all aspects of customer interactions, including communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and adherence to company policies. Clearly articulated standards empower your call center agents with a concrete framework for success and support consistent evaluation.

When defining quality standards, consider the following aspects:

  1. Accuracy of information provided to customers
  2. Professionalism and courtesy in all interactions
  3. Efficiency in resolving customer issues
  4. Compliance with regulatory requirements
  5. Proper use of systems and tools

Setting Measurable KPIs

Once you’ve established quality standards, translate them into measurable key performance indicators (KPIs). These will help you evaluate agent performance, track overall call center quality, and identify knowledge gaps. Select each KPI to align with your overall business objectives and quality standards. Then, review and adjust these metrics to keep them relevant and effective for driving improvements.

Essential KPIs to consider include:

  • First-call resolution (FCR) rate
  • Average handle time (AHT)
  • Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)
  • Net promoter score (NPS)
  • QA score

Creating a Comprehensive QA Scorecard

A good QA scorecard is invaluable for evaluating the performance of individual agents. Your scorecard should reflect your quality standards and KPIs and provide a structured framework for assessing each customer interaction. Scorecards should be easy to use and provide clear guidelines for evaluators. Update the scorecard to reflect changing business needs and customer expectations.

Consider including the following elements in your QA scorecard:

  1. Opening and closing of the call
  2. Active listening and empathy
  3. Problem-solving and resolution skills
  4. Adherence to compliance requirements
  5. Use of appropriate language and tone
  6. Proper handling of customer data

How To Implement Effective Quality Assurance Processes

Robust quality assurance processes are crucial for improving overall call center performance. A dedicated QA team shows your commitment to quality and makes sure that your contact center quality assurance processes receive the attention they deserve.

Follow these steps to create an effective quality assurance program:

Step 1: Establish a Dedicated QA Team

Create a specialized customer service team responsible for overseeing QA efforts. This team should:

  1. Consist of experienced call center industry professionals with a deep understanding of customer service best practices.
  2. Have training in evaluation techniques and the use of QA tools.
  3. Be objective and consistent in their assessments.
  4. Collaborate closely with team leaders and call center managers to drive improvements.

Step 2: Implement Regular Call Monitoring

Consistent call monitoring can identify areas for improvement and ways to maintain consistent service quality. Monitoring calls allows you to catch issues early and offer targeted coaching to improve agent performance and ensure excellent service.

To implement an effective call monitoring program:

  1. Determine the frequency of evaluations (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly).
  2. Use a mix of live call monitoring and recorded call reviews.
  3. Evaluate a representative sample of customer calls for each agent.
  4. Use your QA scorecard to assess each interaction systematically.
  5. Provide timely feedback to customer service agents based on monitoring results.

Step 3: Leverage Technology for QA Automation

Call center software and tools can boost your quality assurance monitoring processes. Leverage technology to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your QA efforts. This allows you to concentrate on building a culture of improvement. Consider these practices:

  1. Automate call recording and storage.
  2. Facilitate easy access to call data for review.
  3. Generate performance reports and analytics, such as customer churn rate and customer satisfaction ratings.
  4. Track improvement trends over time.
  5. Integrate with other call center systems for a wider view of performance.

Step 4: Provide Continuous Feedback and Coaching

Effective QA relies on continuous feedback. Quality feedback and coaching helps agents understand their strengths and areas for improvement and supports a culture of continuous growth and development. Actionable coaching includes:

  1. Regular one-on-one agent feedback sessions.
  2. Personalized coaching plans and training programs based on individual performance data.
  3. Role-playing exercises to build confidence for challenging scenarios.
  4. Peer-to-peer learning opportunities for extra training on how to provide excellent customer service.
  5. Recognition and rewards for high-performing agents.

Step 5: Analyze QA Data for Insights

Analyze the data you collect through your QA processes to gain valuable insights. Data-driven insights allow you to make informed decisions that drive meaningful improvements in call center customer service quality. This analysis should:

  1. Identify common issues or trends across the call center.
  2. Pinpoint specific areas where you can offer additional agent training sessions and regular coaching.
  3. Highlight best practices to share across the team.
  4. Help update quality standards and KPIs.
  5. Guide strategic decisions about resource allocation and process improvements.

Leveraging Technology for Enhanced QA

Implementing Speech Analytics

Speech analytics technology can revolutionize your QA processes by providing detailed insights into customer interactions. This technology can give you a more nuanced understanding of your call center’s performance. It can also help you discern missed opportunities for improvement. 

This advanced tool can:

  1. Automatically analyze large volumes of call recordings to gauge agent performance.
  2. Identify key phrases, emotions, and trends in customer conversations from samples of calls, average call duration, and average response time.
  3. Flag potential compliance issues or areas of concern, including customer retention and abandonment rate.
  4. Provide real-time alerts for immediate intervention.

Utilizing AI-Powered Quality Management

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly used to enhance quality management in call centers. AI helps you make more accurate and consistent evaluations. It also frees up your QA team to focus on strategic improvements. AI-powered QA tools can:

  1. Automate customer interaction scoring.
  2. Provide coaching suggestions and corrective feedback to agents during calls.
  3. Predict customer satisfaction based on conversation patterns using AI-driven tools.
  4. Identify best practices from top-performing agents who have a keen understanding of customer needs and overarching business goals.
  5. Generate personalized agent training recommendations for underperforming agents to enhance their soft skills, reduce agent attrition, and improve agent engagement.

Implementing Omnichannel QA

Omnichannel QA is vital as customer service spreads across multiple channels. It ensures consistency across phone, email, chat, and social media touchpoints. An omnichannel approach to QA offers a consistent, high-quality call center experience regardless of how customers interact with your business.

To implement effective omnichannel QA:

  1. Develop channel-specific, effective call center quality standards and scorecards.
  2. Train agents to maintain consistent quality across all channels.
  3. Implement tools for call center quality monitoring and gauge agent performance across various platforms.
  4. Integrate QA data, such as customer satisfaction surveys, seamlessly from all channels into a comprehensive view of performance.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

Regularly Reviewing and Updating QA Processes

Review and update your QA processes regularly to maintain their effectiveness. Continuously refining your call center quality assurance framework keeps it in alignment with your business objectives and customer expectations:

  1. Assess the relevance and effectiveness of your current quality standards.
  2. Evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of your QA scorecard.
  3. Analyze the impact of your QA efforts on overall call center performance.
  4. Gather feedback from agents, team leaders, and customers on QA processes and other call center quality assurance metrics.
  5. Stay informed about industry best practices and emerging trends in QA and call center operation.

Benchmarking Against Industry Standards

Compare your call center’s performance and customer service strategy against industry benchmarks to provide valuable insights, spur continuous improvement, and continue to provide quality customer service. This helps you understand where your call center stands in relation to competitors. It also pinpoints areas where you can gain a competitive advantage and sustain a culture of improvement:

  1. Identify relevant industry standards and best practices.
  2. Compare your KPIs and other key metrics to industry averages.
  3. Analyze top-performing companies in your industry to understand their QA strategies and methods for delivering exemplary customer service.
  4. Set ambitious yet achievable goals for high-quality customer service based on benchmark data, customer surveys, and customer effort scores.
  5. Regularly reassess your call center quality management process relative to industry standards.

Adapting to Changing Customer Expectations

Customer expectations are constantly evolving. Adapt your QA processes accordingly. Proactive adaptation keeps your call center competitive by continuing to deliver exceptional service. To stay ahead of changing expectations:

  1. Survey customers, especially high-value customers, to understand their needs and preferences.
  2. Monitor social media and online reviews for customer feedback and to spot a spike in customer frustration.
  3. Stay apprised of emerging technologies and service trends in your industry.
  4. Update your quality standards to reflect changing customer expectations.
  5. Train agents on new skills and approaches, such as innovative ways to handle customer frustrations, to meet evolving customer needs.

Enhancing QA with Teramind

Leveraging Employee Monitoring for Quality Improvement

Teramind’s employee monitoring capabilities can significantly enhance your call center’s QA efforts and customer service performance.These insights let you make data-driven decisions and improve quality and efficiency in your call center. Teramind’s detailed insights into agent activities enable you to:

  1. Track time spent on tasks and applications.
  2. Identify workflow and call center process inefficiencies.
  3. Monitor adherence to scripts and best practices during inbound calls.
  4. Detect potential compliance issues in real time.
  5. Gather agent productivity data to inform resource allocation, identify underperforming agents, and provide corrective feedback.

Utilizing Behavioral Analytics for Performance Enhancement

Teramind’s advanced behavioral analytics find trends and patterns in agent behavior that impact quality. Use these behavioral insights to address factors that influence call quality and enhance continuous improvement. This powerful feature allows you to:

  1. Analyze patterns in high-performing agents to identify best practices.
  2. Detect early signs of burnout or reduced employee engagement.
  3. Identify training needs based on observed behavior patterns, performance metrics, and samples of calls.
  4. Optimize scheduling and workload distribution.
  5. Tailor extra coaching opportunities and development programs to individual contact center agents’ needs.

Streamlining QA Processes with Automation

Teramind’s powerful automation capabilities can streamline your call center quality assurance process. Let your team focus on strategic improvements, success stories, and actionable insights rather than manual tasks, negative feedback, and bad customer service reviews. 

By automating routine contact center quality assurance tasks, Teramind uses routine task automation to create an efficient and effective QA program in your call center. With Teramind, you can:

  1. Capture and store call recordings for easy review.
  2. Generate detailed reports on agent performance and quality metrics.
  3. Schedule alerts for quality-related issues that require immediate attention.
  4. Automate feedback delivery and distribute coaching materials to agents.
  5. Integrate QA data with other business systems.


Ongoing dedication, strategic planning, and the right tools can improve call center QA. Teramind’s sophisticated technologies, coupled with the strategies outlined in this guide, can create a culture of continuous improvement that helps you deliver consistently exceptional customer experiences.

Successful QA involves consistently monitoring, analyzing, and adapting your processes and contact center quality assurance metrics to meet evolving customer expectations and business needs. A commitment to quality and the right approach can make your call center a true differentiator for your organization, driving customer loyalty, employee productivity, and business growth.


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