Forcepoint DLP: Features, Pros, Cons & Alternatives

forcepoint dlp

Data is the lifeblood of modern organizations, but protecting it from theft and accidental exposure is an ongoing challenge. As IT environments become more complex with cloud applications, BYOD security, and remote work, the risk of data breaches increases exponentially. Forcepoint, a leading cybersecurity company, aims to address these challenges with its data loss prevention solution.

Forcepoint Data Loss Prevention (DLP) provides visibility and control over sensitive data across networks, endpoints, and cloud applications. It takes a user-centric approach, understanding how individuals interact with data to apply adaptive security controls. By focusing protection on the intersection of people, data, and networks, Forcepoint helps organizations accelerate compliance management and safeguard sensitive assets. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at Forcepoint DLP, its advantages and drawbacks, and explore top alternatives in the market.

What is Forcepoint DLP?

Forcepoint DLP is an advanced data protection platform that discovers, monitors, and secures sensitive information across an organization’s IT environment. It provides a centralized console for consistently defining and enforcing security policies, whether data is at rest, in motion, or in use.

One of the key differentiators of Forcepoint DLP is its focus on understanding user behavior and risk. It applies analytics to identify and prioritize high-risk activity, enabling security teams to proactively respond to potential data theft. Forcepoint DLP also provides employee coaching and education to guide the proper handling of sensitive information.

Forcepoint is recognized by analysts as a leader in the DLP market. The company has over 20 years of experience helping government and enterprise customers protect critical data and IP. Forcepoint takes a human-centric approach to cybersecurity, aiming to enable people to work freely and securely.



Forcepoint DLP provides a comprehensive data protection solution with several key advantages:

Strong Professional Services Team

Forcepoint has an experienced and knowledgeable professional services team to help with DLP deployments. They assist customers in understanding their data protection needs, architecting the right security solution, and optimizing policies. Having expert guidance enables faster time-to-value and maximizes return on investment.

Multiple Deployment Options

Forcepoint DLP can be deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or as a hybrid solution. This flexibility allows organizations to protect data in the manner that best aligns with their IT environment and security strategy. Deployment options include physical and virtual appliances as well as endpoint agents.

Powerful DLP Features

Forcepoint DLP has extensive data identification and control capabilities. Advanced machine learning enables finding sensitive data, while robust policy and rules engines allow precise enforcement. Features like OCR, partial document matching, and custom encryption detection provide the coverage needed to secure data in today’s complex environments.

Real-time Blocking

With Forcepoint DLP, organizations can block actions based on an individual user’s risk level with risk-adaptive data protection. It allows for blocking risky data transfers in real time, not just monitoring them after the fact. Real-time enforcement significantly reduces breach risk and improves regulatory compliance.


While Forcepoint DLP has many strengths, there are some potential drawbacks to consider:

Requires Too Many Add-ons

Forcepoint DLP’s basic features are limited. Customers may have to invest more money into the Forcepoint ecosystem and purchase additional modules to access advanced functionalities. The cost of these add-ons can quickly add up, making the total cost of ownership (TCO) higher than expected.

Limited Monitoring Capabilities

Forcepoint DLP focuses primarily on data discovery and enforcement, with less emphasis on user activity monitoring. While it does provide some visibility into user actions, the depth of monitoring may not be enough for organizations looking to detect and investigate insider threats. Customers may need to supplement Forcepoint DLP with a separate user activity monitoring solution.

On-Prem Deployment

For on-premises deployments, Forcepoint DLP requires using Forcepoint’s own hardware appliances. This can increase upfront costs and limit flexibility compared to software-only solutions. Organizations must factor in the additional expense and management overhead of maintaining physical appliances.

No Remote Desktop Control

Forcepoint DLP does not include remote desktop control capabilities. Security teams cannot view or take control of user desktops to investigate potential leaks or data theft incidents. This can make incident response more challenging, as analysts must rely on other tools or manual processes to gather necessary context.

Basic UEBA Support

While Forcepoint DLP does offer some user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) features, they are relatively basic compared to dedicated UEBA solutions. Machine learning focuses on identifying sensitive data rather than analyzing a broad range of user activities. Organizations looking for advanced user behavior monitoring may need a separate UEBA tool.

Captures Screenshots but Doesn’t Record Screens

Forcepoint DLP can capture screenshots of user activity for forensic analysis and incident response. However, it does not provide full screen recording capabilities. This means security teams cannot playback a video of exactly what a user did leading up to a data loss event. Screenshots offer helpful context but may not paint a complete picture.

9 Alternatives to Forcepoint DLP

While Forcepoint DLP is a robust data loss prevention solution, it may not fit every organization’s specific needs or budget. Fortunately, there are several powerful alternatives available that offer comprehensive data protection, user behavior analytics, and insider threat prevention capabilities. Let’s explore 9 leading Forcepoint DLP alternatives and their key features.

1. Teramind

Our solution, Teramind, is a comprehensive employee monitoring and insider threat detection software that enables organizations to monitor end-users computer activity, track digital behaviors, and identify potential risks, threats, or policy violations through behavior analytics. It offers robust features, including user activity monitoring, data loss prevention, and user and entity behavior analytics, to provide a holistic approach to data security and workforce optimization.

Teramind’s advanced capabilities empower businesses to maintain operational efficiency while safeguarding sensitive information and intellectual property. Teramind’s ability to monitor and analyze user activities across multiple channels, including applications, websites, file transfers, emails, and instant messaging, provides organizations with unparalleled visibility and control over their sensitive data assets.


  • Data Loss Prevention: Teramind’s DLP features protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, transfer, or exfiltration by monitoring user activities, blocking risky actions, and enforcing security policies.
  • Employee Monitoring: Teramind captures detailed data on employee activities across various system objects, providing insights into productivity, compliance, and potential security risks.
  • User & Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA): Teramind’s intelligent UEBA engine detects anomalies and deviations from baseline user behavior, enabling proactive identification and mitigation of insider threats.
  • Remote Desktop Control: Administrators can remotely access and control employee desktops to provide support, troubleshoot issues, or intervene in case of security incidents.
  • Real-time Alerts & Prevention: The software generates instant alerts based on predefined rules and can automatically block suspicious activities to prevent data breaches or policy violations.
  • Screen Recording & Playback: Teramind records user sessions, allowing administrators to review and analyze employee activity for productivity optimization, compliance audits, or forensic investigations.
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2. Proofpoint DLP

Proofpoint’s DLP solution adopts a people-centric approach to mitigate data loss risks originating from human behavior across multiple channels, including email, cloud applications, and endpoints. By combining content analysis, user behavior monitoring, and threat intelligence, Proofpoint provides deep visibility into user activities and intent, enabling effective detection and prevention of data loss incidents.


  • Unified Alert and Investigations Interface: Proofpoint Enterprise DLP offers a centralized console for alert triage, incident investigation, and response across all monitored channels, enabling faster decision-making and reducing response times.
  • Advanced Content Matching Techniques: The solution employs sophisticated content matching methods, such as data matching, indexed document matching, and OCR, to accurately identify sensitive data across various file formats and images.
  • Customizable DLP Classifiers: Proofpoint provides over 240 customizable sensitive data detectors and document tagging capabilities, allowing organizations to tailor their DLP policies to specific user groups, use cases, and regions.

Read more: Proofpoint vs. Teramind.


DTEX inTERCEPT is a next-gen insider risk management and behavioral data loss prevention platform that consolidates endpoint DLP, user and entity behavior analytics, user activity monitoring, and digital forensics capabilities into a single, lightweight solution. It proactively identifies and mitigates insider threats while maintaining employee privacy and minimizing impact on network performance.

Designed for the modern, distributed workforce, DTEX inTERCEPT leverages advanced analytics and machine learning to detect anomalous behavior patterns in real time, enabling organizations to prevent data exfiltration and respond swiftly to potential insider risks. The platform’s cloud-native architecture allows for seamless scalability and deployment across large enterprises.


  • Workforce Operational Analytics: DTEX inTERCEPT provides valuable insights into workforce operations, helping organizations optimize productivity, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Ai3 Risk Assistant: The platform’s built-in recommendation engine streamlines investigations by offering guidance and insights into insider risk and intent, saving time and resources for security teams.
  • Continuous Metadata Collection: DTEX inTERCEPT employs lightweight metadata capture and behavioral monitoring across all endpoints and servers, providing comprehensive visibility without straining network resources or violating employee privacy.

Read more: The 7 Best DTEX Alternatives.

4. Code42 Incydr

Code42 Incydr is an insider risk management solution that provides visibility, context, and control to detect and respond to data exfiltration threats. It offers a different approach to data protection compared to traditional DLP solutions, focusing on understanding how data is moving across endpoints, cloud, and email systems.

Incydr prioritizes risks based on the file, vector, and user behavior, allowing security teams to concentrate on the most important incidents. It enables organizations to respond effectively to the full spectrum of insider risks, from accidental data exposure to malicious theft, without disrupting employee productivity.


  • Dashboards: Incydr provides risk exposure and risk trends dashboards for identifying data exposure, policy non-compliance, and measuring insider risk program performance.
  • Forensic Search: With Incydr, you can investigate event details and query a comprehensive metadata index without straining endpoints, enabling in-depth analysis of suspicious activities.
  • Response Controls: Code42 Incydr allows you to automate responses to insider threats with a range of actions, from correcting user mistakes to blocking risky file activity, tailored to the severity of the incident.

Read more: The 10 Best Code42 Incydr Alternatives.

5. Trellix DLP

Trellix DLP offers organizations unparalleled visibility and control over sensitive data across endpoints, networks, email, and cloud applications. By discovering, classifying, and monitoring data throughout its lifecycle, Trellix DLP helps prevent both accidental and malicious data breaches.

With pre-built policies and reports aligned to common compliance frameworks, Trellix DLP simplifies the audit and regulatory review process. Its open architecture allows seamless integration with SIEM, SOAR, and other security tools for efficient incident management from a unified, cloud-based console.


  • Centralized Management: Trellix DLP provides a single, unified console for policy administration, real-time monitoring, and incident management across all channels.
  • User Education: Real-time alerts and educational pop-ups help raise employee awareness and foster a culture of security when policy violations occur.
  • Advanced Classification: Trellix DLP supports over 300 file types and leverages techniques like fingerprinting and machine learning to accurately identify sensitive data.

6. Nightfall DLP

Nightfall AI is a cloud-native DLP platform that leverages machine learning to protect sensitive data across SaaS applications, email services, and endpoints. It offers a unified solution for discovering, classifying, and securing sensitive information, ensuring compliance with regulations like HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR.

With its AI-powered approach, Nightfall DLP accurately detects and redacts sensitive data, minimizing false positives and streamlining security workflows. The platform seamlessly integrates with popular SaaS tools, enabling organizations to monitor data movement, enforce access controls, and automate remediation actions from a centralized console.


  • Employee Coaching: Nightfall goes beyond traditional security by educating employees about data protection best practices through real-time notifications and guidance.
  • DLP for AI Applications: The platform establishes trust boundaries for AI model building and consumption, allowing the safe use of tools like ChatGPT without exposing sensitive data.
  • Comprehensive Data Discovery: Nightfall DLP scans data at rest and in motion across various file types, including images (OCR), documents, and archives, to identify sensitive information accurately.

7. Digital Guardian

Digital Guardian is a comprehensive data protection platform that combines data loss prevention with endpoint detection and response (EDR) capabilities. Delivered through a cloud-native architecture, it provides enterprise-grade security without the complexity and overhead of traditional DLP solutions.

Digital Guardian offers flexible deployment options, including a managed security program with expert analysts who act as an extension of your security team. The platform’s cross-platform coverage spans Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring that sensitive data remains protected across all endpoints.


  • Behavioral Analytics: Digital Guardian’s analytics engine correlates system, user, and data events to provide contextual intelligence and a complete view of potential risks.
  • Cloud Data Protection: You can extend your data protection policies to cloud applications and storage platforms, maintaining visibility and control over sensitive information.
  • Flexible Controls: You can also choose from a range of controls based on data sensitivity, from monitoring and reporting to blocking and encrypting, to prevent data exfiltration without hindering productivity.

8. Endpoint Protector DLP

Endpoint Protector is a DLP solution designed to safeguard sensitive data across Windows, macOS, and Linux endpoints. It offers a modular approach, allowing organizations to mix and match features to address their specific security needs.

With predefined compliance profiles and granular policies, Endpoint Protector simplifies the process of protecting personal information and intellectual property while ensuring compliance with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. The solution’s cross-platform compatibility and flexible deployment options make it well-suited for enterprises with diverse IT environments.


  • Content-Aware Protection: Monitor and control data in motion, applying filters based on file type, application, predefined content, regular expressions, and more to prevent unauthorized data exfiltration.
  • eDiscovery: Scan data at rest on network endpoints, identify confidential information, and apply remediation actions such as encryption or deletion to ensure data security.
  • Enforced Encryption: Automatically secure data copied to USB storage devices using AES 256-bit encryption, ensuring comprehensive protection across Windows and macOS platforms.

9. Symantec DLP

Symantec DLP is an enterprise-grade solution that safeguards sensitive data from theft, accidental exposure, and compliance risks across endpoints, networks, storage, and cloud environments. The solution leverages advanced content-aware detection technologies, including machine learning and image recognition, to accurately identify sensitive data while minimizing false positives. Symantec DLP also integrates seamlessly with a wide range of third-party security products and offers flexible deployment options, including on-premises software, appliances, and cloud services.


  • Unified Management Console: Symantec DLP provides a single, web-based console for policy management, incident response, reporting, and administration across all data loss channels.
  • Endpoint Protection: The DLP Endpoint Discover and Prevent modules offer complete discovery, monitoring, and protection for data in use on laptops and desktops, both on and off the corporate network.
  • Cloud App Security: Symantec DLP Cloud extends data protection policies to cloud applications, leveraging integration with Symantec CloudSOC CASB for enhanced visibility and control.


Organizations nowadays require robust data loss prevention solutions that can adapt to evolving threats and protect sensitive information across various channels. While Forcepoint DLP offers comprehensive features, Teramind stands out as a top alternative, providing an all-in-one platform that combines employee monitoring, data loss prevention, user behavior analytics, and insider threat detection. 

With our advanced capabilities, flexible deployment options, and user-friendly interface, Teramind empowers organizations to safeguard their valuable assets, maintain compliance, and optimize workforce productivity. Ultimately, the choice of DLP solution depends on each organization’s unique requirements. Teramind’s holistic approach makes it a compelling option for businesses seeking a robust and adaptable data protection solution.

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