Business Process Mapping & Optimization

Users are only as efficient
as their processes.

Optimize your processes using granular user activity data to identify and address bottlenecks and redundancies.

Get Started With Process Optimization

See what Teramind can do for your workforce management.
Step 1
Baseline Awareness
Document unseen processes with field-level parsing.
Step 2
Critical Analysis
Identify process bottlenecks and redundancies.
Step 3
Improve Systems
Define new processes to support user efficiency.

Step 4

Results Measurement
Monitor efficiency after process changes.
Step 1
Baseline Awareness
Document unseen processes with field-level parsing.
Step 2
Critical Analysis
Identify process bottlenecks and redundancies.
Step 3
Improve Systems
Define new processes to support user efficiency.
Step 4
Results Measurement
Monitor efficiency after process changes.

A Fortune 500 global bank increased its efficiency by 82% in a single process using Teramind’s Business Process Optimization (BPO) capabilities.

Why is process mapping so hard?

Every employee does things slightly differently.
People have subconscious habits that don’t get included in documentation.
Self-reporting is problematic, as workers document required steps, not the way they accomplish tasks.
Redundancies are not apparent without 100% accuracy in steps taken.
You may know where the bottlenecks are, but the reasons why can be trickier.

Teramind Features Powering BPO

In-app Field Parsing

Use a field within an application to track files as they pass from one user to another, identifying steps and changes along the way.
Track data at the field level in any application.
In-app field parsing within an online software system for invoicing

Website & Application Monitoring

47% of employees struggle to find what they need to perform their jobs (Gartner). Track process issues and pinpoint poor UI in business applications that are slowing your teams down.
Track how employees use any application or website, including online SaaS.

Screen Recording With Historical Playback

Self-recorded steps are often incomplete at best, especially since every user is different. Watching historical playback allows you to see and record every step clearly, even those which are subconscious or overlooked.
Get past subjective of self-reporting to see exactly what’s happening on a user’s screen when performing tasks associated with any business process.

AI Frequently Answered Questions 

Teramind AI gives you real-time insights and predictive analytics – so you can take the guesswork out of workforce decisions.

How are employees collaborating within and across teams to accomplish business processes?
Seeing a web of communication as it relates to business processes can show you interdependencies and surface points of friction, where a single coworker becomes a bottleneck. Gain visibility into which resources are stretched too thin.

Businesses define processes and approved systems for a reason. When employees see a workaround or learn outdated steps from their peers, it can impact efficiency in addition to security. Use OMNI to surface alert trends defined by you, like unapproved activities or apps, so you can know who needs additional training.

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